Lloyd Collects

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Bar Contents
     See what I have and what I still need

Canadian Currency
     See what coins and bills I am still looking for

Hamilton History Books
     See what I have and what I still need

Coin & Bill Price Guides
     See what I have and what I still need

Play the Stock Market
     For entertainment purposes only (currently by invite only)

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Backyard Music Idols
     Check out this company and book your karaoke party now.

Name Index for Notices
     Hamilton Spectator Name Index for Births, Marriages, Deaths, etc.
(1846-1849 completed)

Digital Movie List
     My list of movies in digital format that I currently have.
(1915-2024) Total to date, 211, and growing monthly.


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©2023-2024 LAMB

This page was last updated on

   March 17, 2024